Always In Our Thoughts Memorials - Bolton.
Headstones - Memorial Stones
Headstone Cleaning - Gravestone Inscriptions
Complete Fixing & Renovation Service

head stones bolton funeral stones

Unit 5 - Pikenook Workshop
High Street
Bolton - BL36JZ

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Headstone Cleaning & Renovation service

Cemeteries are responsible for the condition of the cemetery grounds, but the cleaning of your loved one's headstone is totally your responsibility.

We offer a full headstone cleaning & renovation service -  In order to supply a quotation for any cleaning work to a headstone or other memorial we would first carry out an inspection and then supply you with a detailed record of it's current condition together with a statement of what can be expected of the cleaning process.

Contact us now to request a quote.

Below are just a few examples of how we can transform your memorial
(click on the images to open a larger image in a new window)

headstone cleaning bolton
headstone renovation manchester head stone cleaning bolton

: (01204) 529800


Download our brochure
headstone brochure
click on the .PDF file to download our brochure
(remember to quote the Ref - Code of the monument you are interested in when contacting us)

headstone cleaning bolton

bramm approved stonemason bolton

A proud member of the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons



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